Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The art of spiritual warfare

Through the grace of God and by the word of the holy spirit and in the name of Jesus of Nazereth I shall now explain the art of spiritual warfare.

Identifying the enemy

To know your enemy is the first principle of warfare, in this case your enemy is Satan and his angels.
Satan, who has fallen from the presence of God and who has long since waged war against God, is against any true servant of God and will be against you if you have christ in you.  Satan can see Christ in men even before they see it themselves and therefore wages all kind of strategies against him to try to steal from, harm and defile him so that God cannot work in him. Satan has much power and authority over life, that is: if it is allowed. For where God is Satan cannot be, Likewise where Satan is God cannot be.
But it is not merely Satan alone roaming the earth attacking man himself, for although he has the power and knowledge to manifest in many places at one time, he also uses a vast multitude of angels to do specific works for the purposes of approriate and correctly filtered power. These angels do not always appear as angels in the way you may think, for many have been deformed into hideous and monstrous creatures that would not be recognized as angels. But nevertheless they have power over their own parts of the spiritual realms, the world and particular traits that man falls into.
Satan, through his power and authority is responsible spiritually for everything that is evil and everything that occurs that is not God's will. Of course man must continue to serve him for this power to manifest, but at the head of all evil: Satan is the ruler.
It would take a work in itself to identify every force and spiritual being that serves Satan in the spiritual realms, but it is not important as the knowledge of these beings will emerge as warfare is engaged in.
Satan, and his angels can be identified within these categories:

Satan Himself:
Satan can personally manifest or be known as a presence in himself. He will usually be discerned when the choice between following God's will or not is present, he takes power over the parts of someones life which is going against God's will in a clear cut way. He also takes power over places, orginizations or people that are inherently against God's will. Satan is the ruler of rebellion and is always present when rebellion against God takes place as a spiritual presence.
These are kingdoms within a kingdom, akin to fiefdoms. They are the princes of Satan who have been given certain sectors of his rebellion to deal with, they have been given their own personal power over certain aspects of Satans plans. This could be a place, a certain kind of evil,  a certain group of people, a country, a government or a specific adgenda and it also is likey to be a combination of these. They are likely to affect or be connected to an individual due to his connection with a place, country or group that one of these princes is ruling over. These principalities are rulers of specific manifestations of evil as oppose to Satan who is a general overlord of evil. Principalities are generally seen in the spirit as a regal figure- either male or female. They do not always appear as a humanoid figure by any means. In fact they can take the form of large monstrous creatures.
Powers are centralized and focussed spiritual forces that can manifest in a variety of ways. The common manifestation of a power is a device in the spirit that holds a certain power of evil. These devices can be similar to tubes, boxes, wires, metal objects, or an object emiting a beam. They can also be manifest as objects such as crystals, wands, charms or pendants in the spiritual realm. These particular objects carry with them a certain power that is connected with an evil force. They are curses of the spirit and are placed on individuals or places, buildings or in parts of a country to create an evil circuit of energy, or in an individual to cause sickness, blocks or pain in the body of an individual. They often are placed in groups on a country or city to create a general control of a place's energy in order to control the atmousphere of a place. The same is done with individuals and also buildings. They can be placed on people or places, when a dominant spiritual force from themselves or others is present in them or the place. They are placed to establish in a definate way, a particular spiritual force.
Rulers of the darkness of this world: The rulers of the darkness of this world are beings that Satan has placed over the actual adgendas and direction of the world that he wishes to fashion. These beings will have influence in governmental affairs and control the evil direction of the wordly powers that exist. Some governments or councils of men will have more and some will have less influence from these beings, depending on the amount of disobediance they are willing to enact. These beings can manifest as dark angelic beings, or humanoid figures of darkness.
Spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places:
These beings are the designers of spiritual strategies that bring man away from God's grace. They are primarily concerned with designing deep spiritual problems for groups and individuals. They try to make the inner world of man a place that the holy spirit cannot be by creating strongholds of evil through careful manipulation of spiritual traits. They cause great guilt and darkness in man through their focus on creating and establishing evil in mans soul.
Dark Angels:
These beings are concerned with the direct opposite of what the holy angels are curses places and people, they bring Satans favour to those who are enacting his will and they bring sickness on individuals. Instead of healing, they cause ilness and they also bring knowledge of evil and unholy knowledge to people for the purposes of empowering them to bring about Satans will on earth.
Within the spheres of the spiritual realms and heavenly places, these are the categories of beings that wage war on man.
Curses are often the causes of openings to demonic realms in an individual. Curses often come from those with some kind of authority. It can come from parents, teachers, spiritual leaders, governmental figures, close friends or in fact anyone else. Curses can appear in many ways to an individual, they can appear as circles around the person, geometric shapes, words or other images that may be connected with the meaning of the curse.
Some of the most powerful curses come from ones parents as they hold the power to bless or curse you. It is also important to deal with issues and negative connections with parents and to honour them as this will bring about Gods blessing through them.

The power that you have against the enemy:
The power that you personally have against the enemy comes from God himself. As with all kings, he gives authority to his warriors to defeat the enemy. Gods power has been released for you to use by the event of the crucifiction of Jesus Christ.  The event of the crucificion of Jesus Christ enabled the power and authority that comes from God, who is the source of power and the King of all things in heaven and earth to be utilized by you for the service of his kingdom. This being so, if understood correctly; the power of God being unstoppable will make you the same. It must be known that the warfare waged against Satan's attack, must be done within the will of God by the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy spirit: It cannot be used independant of God's will.

Being aware of attacks and those making them:

The first thing a person must do is become aware of what is attacking him, for without such knowledge to disdain and repel these attacks is not possible. Therefore one must become aware of exactly what sort of attack is occuring and why. There are many reasons for attacks and they can be categorized into two forms.
That which was made by your ancestors on your fathers side: Your fathers side is the side in which sin and evil is carried down genetically. This goes right back to Adam and is Carried down to you but you will particularly recieve the effects of your fathers for the past 4 generations. Any openings that your fathers made for evil to occur, such as not doing right in the eyes of God, choosing fear instead of faith, what is wrong in the eyes of God will be carried down to you and you will have the effect of the lack of God's presence in that particular area of your soul. Therefore for these things a person must turn to repentance before God on behalf of themselves and their own bloodline as well as countering the spiritual forces ruling over these evils.
Almost every demonic force has presence because of some kind of sin which you or your fathers have committed and therefore to deal with repentance is of upmost importance and vital to warfare. It may sometimes simply be the sin of not relying on God when someone cursed you.

Being attacked for doing God's will or having the seed of Christ in you:

When you do Gods will, you go against the will of Satan and therefore he will use any and every opening in you to attack you and try to prevent you from completing the work that God has for you to do.
This element of attack is simply manifest because Satan wishes to attack you and has permission to do so until the particular attack is overcome. Of course in oder to attack you, he must utilize some opening in the spiritual realms in you that is not firm and perfect in God. Because if God has dominion over some part of your spirit, Satan cannot enter there. But for one who is new in entering God's kingdom, the forces having become more powerful through the choice to believe, Satans power will also become more obvious.

Methods of discernment:

There are many ways to discern what kind of attack is occuring and who is attacking. This will be largely to do with the individual gifts that God has blessed a person with. This can range from actually seeing these beings in the spirit, being guided by the holy spirit by intuitive knowledge and others depending on the person. An example of discernment would for example be that a person first knows by common sense that there is a problem- constant problems in relationships, money, health etc. Upon knowing this, a person seeks to enquire with the spirit what is the spiritual basis for the problem. The person would settle themselves in a quiet and undistracted environment, and then connect with God through prayer. Then the person would ask the holy spirit to show them what exactly is happening in the spirit that is causing the problem. Now at first this may be discovered by reciting the possiblities ie. powers, principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places, dark angels and curses. One would say these words and feel what the spirit is indicating. It may be indicated by a body movement that does not come from the person, a rush of energy when the person says the word or anyway that God feels he will best contact the person about the subject. If a person learns to wait on the Lord and listen to God, this will progress into a more and more natural experience. In the case that there is repentance to work on, the holy spirit will bring to mind the subject which the person needs to mend their relationship with God about.

Actual method of warfare:

The method of warfare is quite clear once the person has identified the problem the solution is to command whatever force or being(s) are attacking the person, or what kind of curse is established in them.
It is done by vocal command or inner command if vocal command is not possible for example the person is around many people. In this prayer the person commands the identified being or curses, and using the name of Jesus commands them to be gone from their soul and to be sent to the father to be under his command. There are 3 priciples that one can use for different reasons and they should be chosen under the guidance of the spirit- it may be that all 3 are used. These principles are:

The name of Jesus:

The name of Jesus holds the power and authority of Jesus of Nazereth who is the son of the living God and one of the three members of God. Using his name in command by the will of God, will command any and every force or being that exists in heaven or earth. Because of the life, death and resurection of Jesus, the power contained in all three is available to a person in the name.

The finished work of the cross:

The event of the cross as a spiritual principle was evil, sin and the devil being put to death. Therefore using the words "The finished work of the cross" in prayer in appropriate situations will bring about great effects. The 'finished work' is eluding to the fact that it is in this work that Satan was defeated and no more work need be done other than a person to have faith in this fact.

#The blood of Christ:

The blood of Christ is the blood that was shed by the son of God that became a spiritual and eternal blood that has power than cannot be disdained by Satan. It is the all cleansing and all empowering principle of holy sacrifice that can be used by a person to do God's will. This blood has the power to wash away all traces of evil and cleanse a persons soul from all curses. When the blood of Christ is called in, the enemy will flee.
Using these three principles, a person can pray and succeed in eliminating any attack from the enemy. An example of a prayer of warfare would be:
In the name of Jesus of Nazereth I command that all of the principalities that are residing on my finances are gone from my soul now and be gone to the feet of the Father never to return to me again. Amen
I command that by the finished work of the cross and by the power of the blood of Christ, the curse that I have on my marriage is broken now in the name of Jesus- all beings and forces assositated with this curses are commanded to be gone and be placed under the Fathers power in the name of Jesus. Amen
A person will become creative through God in knowing what to pray, and the situation will dictate the words used.
All and every one of Satans forces including Satan himself, can be defeated and their attacks repelled by the power of these prayers.
Bringing in God's blessing to replace the enemy
Once a person has destroyed the power of the enemy in the area that they have been guided to do so, a person must then call in their direct opposites in the Kingdom of God: Every unholy power has its heavenly counterpart and these counter parts should be called in to replace the power of the enemy so as to establish holiness in the person.
For example;  Unholy powers as mentioned earlier can appear as metal boxes that drain the person or create an evil field around the person etc. Holy powers on the other hand do the direct opposite and instead bring a holy presence and blessing to a person, these holy powers for example can appear as gems, crowns, holy weapons, armour, pendants and so forth depending on what God has given. These will be given as a blessing and way of spiritually establishing a holiness in a person. The same should be done with principalites etc.
An open mind must be used by a person wishing to be free from Satans power- Satan has devised complex attacks and strategies on man and therefore an open and free mind is needed to understand the solutions needed.
Using the methods that are written this book which were given by the holy spirit and doing the will of God as described taught by Jesus and the apostles will bring total freedom from Satan and his armies, and all desires in Christ will be acheived without blocks from Satan.
May this text come to those whom God chooses and be used in the name of Jesus to do his will and defeat Satan.

How to cast out spirits (Addendum to 'The art of spiritual warfare')

The main text 'The art of spiritual warfare' described how a person defeats the forces of Satan that are attacking them.
This text will explain the nature of unholy spirits and how to cast them out.
In this context, a spirit is a non physical entity that has a a certain nature and quality which, given correct conditions will enter into a person to create and maintain a spiritual atomousphere that will remain until an active work is done to remove it. It is a very simple process that is identical to the methods described in the main text, with the difference only being that you are focussing on spirits themselves rather than other beings in Satans kingdom.
A few examples of spirits would be a 'spirit of depression', 'a spirit of doubt', 'a spirit of rage'. These are individual beings that have the qualities that their name suggests, and can have varying amounts of influence on a person depending on how much they are 'called upon' by the individual.  The number of spirits is as many as the negative and unholy qualites that exist in the soul of man, and therefore rather than attempting to record each one, this text will simply describe how to recognize them and how to cast them out.
In the same way as was mentioned before, to quiet oneself in the spirit and enter into a reflective contemplation is at least initially a good ground to begin the work. Once a person has done this depending on whether one is doing this work for oneself or someone else with their permission (without a persons permission on some level it may not be possible to cast a spirit out), one seeks to, in the holy spirit discern what the nature and name of the spirit is. As was said before, there are many spirits and the difference between a spirit and a dark angel for example, is that a spirit is the actual spiritual energetic force; the actually personality of the negative quality that lives through a person rather than a seperate spiritual being attacking a person.
A spirit can visit a person or be constantly residing in them, depending on how much of the spirits quality they actually internally or externally assimilate. A spirit is a living spiritual entity that needs to 'feed' on the spiritual forces that comes from a person acting and energizing the quality that they represent. So for example, if a person is being affected a by a spirit of doubt, this spirit will in fact be present and be fed when a person entertains doubt towards God or his word. If a person is being affected by a spirit of rage, when rage is present in a person, the spirit is fed by this energy and encourages more of the same and in fact will encourage an increase of this quality over time.
Once one has determined through the holy spirit that there is a spirit that has spiritual ties, or is residing in them or another person, they simply use command with the authority of Jesus to command this spirit to depart from them. As with all forces that exist, the spirit will have no choice but to obey the words and indeed depart. When the word is spoken, the spirit should be commanded to be gone and to be sent to the feet of the Father so as to avoid littering the spiritual realms on earth with spirits.
Using this method will free a person from any evil spirit that exists.

May this provide knowledge for all God's people in the name of Jesus.