Tuesday, 17 April 2012

How to cast out spirits (Addendum to 'The art of spiritual warfare')

The main text 'The art of spiritual warfare' described how a person defeats the forces of Satan that are attacking them.
This text will explain the nature of unholy spirits and how to cast them out.
In this context, a spirit is a non physical entity that has a a certain nature and quality which, given correct conditions will enter into a person to create and maintain a spiritual atomousphere that will remain until an active work is done to remove it. It is a very simple process that is identical to the methods described in the main text, with the difference only being that you are focussing on spirits themselves rather than other beings in Satans kingdom.
A few examples of spirits would be a 'spirit of depression', 'a spirit of doubt', 'a spirit of rage'. These are individual beings that have the qualities that their name suggests, and can have varying amounts of influence on a person depending on how much they are 'called upon' by the individual.  The number of spirits is as many as the negative and unholy qualites that exist in the soul of man, and therefore rather than attempting to record each one, this text will simply describe how to recognize them and how to cast them out.
In the same way as was mentioned before, to quiet oneself in the spirit and enter into a reflective contemplation is at least initially a good ground to begin the work. Once a person has done this depending on whether one is doing this work for oneself or someone else with their permission (without a persons permission on some level it may not be possible to cast a spirit out), one seeks to, in the holy spirit discern what the nature and name of the spirit is. As was said before, there are many spirits and the difference between a spirit and a dark angel for example, is that a spirit is the actual spiritual energetic force; the actually personality of the negative quality that lives through a person rather than a seperate spiritual being attacking a person.
A spirit can visit a person or be constantly residing in them, depending on how much of the spirits quality they actually internally or externally assimilate. A spirit is a living spiritual entity that needs to 'feed' on the spiritual forces that comes from a person acting and energizing the quality that they represent. So for example, if a person is being affected a by a spirit of doubt, this spirit will in fact be present and be fed when a person entertains doubt towards God or his word. If a person is being affected by a spirit of rage, when rage is present in a person, the spirit is fed by this energy and encourages more of the same and in fact will encourage an increase of this quality over time.
Once one has determined through the holy spirit that there is a spirit that has spiritual ties, or is residing in them or another person, they simply use command with the authority of Jesus to command this spirit to depart from them. As with all forces that exist, the spirit will have no choice but to obey the words and indeed depart. When the word is spoken, the spirit should be commanded to be gone and to be sent to the feet of the Father so as to avoid littering the spiritual realms on earth with spirits.
Using this method will free a person from any evil spirit that exists.

May this provide knowledge for all God's people in the name of Jesus.


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