Monday, 4 April 2011

Proclaimation of truth and tie cutting

Before heaven and earth, in the presence of God and the angels,
In the name of Yeshua:

I declare complete severence, from all of the powers of Satan.
I cut myself off from all connections to unholy spiritual forces and beings.
I cut myself off from all of the works of Satan, the Illuminati and all of the forces that have affected my life and spirit as a result of being affected or connected with those forces.
I cut myself off from all unholy soul ties that I have with any human or non human being, and declare spiritual severence from anything that is not made in the spirit of God who is love.
I ask forgiveness from God, for all of the mistakes and evils that I myself and my ancestors have engaged in, and I ask for freedom from all spiritual forces that have connected to me because of the actions that have been done without your spirit.
I ask forgiveness for myself and my bloodline for not seeking God with all our hearts, and then as a result being unable to to recieve all protection for the works of evil.
I ask for severence from any unholy place in the physical or the spiritual realms that I have any connections to, and so limits my freedom in God.
I ask for forgiveness for all wrong views aquired in the educational systems and the social systems of the world, that have taught the doctrine of  living life without God.
I ask to be cut off from all connections with dead wisdom, that does not feed the spirit with life but acts as a distraction that does not serve the purposes of God.
I ask to be renewed in a state of spiritual youth, that my mind, body and spirit can be renewed by the living water of God, and be made clear and strong as I was created to be.
I command that all evil spirits, and any evil being that has come from any evil place or work, be gone from me and my home and the spaces that I live and work.
I command that all evil spirits that affect my family and those whom I live with, be gone from me and never return.
I command that all evil that is affecting my finances, sustenance, and work be gone from me now.
I command that all evil affecting my sleep, rest and energy be gone from me now.
I command that the draining power of Satan who lives in the world of men, be gone from me now and that it be replaces by the springs of living water that God freely gives anyone who asks him.
I ask forgiveness for all wrong views that I and my ancestors have aquired because of mixing with men and woman that manipulated our minds.
I ask forgiveness for belief in lies that have been given to us, and not trusting God who resides within us.
I ask for forgivness for not listening to the holy spirit, but instead listening to the world and the ways that men have crafted.
I ask for all curses on me and my blood line, relating to poverty, sacrifice and any curse that has created an unwanted effect in my life and the life of my ancestors be cut and destroyed in me right now.
I ask for forgiveness for believing the lie that mankind has believed, which is that a person must suffer, toil and labour all the days of his life just to stay alive.
I ask for forgiveness that I did not believe the statement made "ask and it is given" as a literal statement and promise of God.
I ask for forgiveness for spending my energy troubling and toiling just to maintain my life, when God has given me life everlasting and has promised to truly provide all I need.
I ask to be made perfect in spirit and truth, so that the power of the enemy of God does not have any affect, power or influence in my life, but that I may be as a child in my spirit to know the simplicity of God and heaven that is hidden from the world of complexities.
I ask for the power of God to touch me in all ways, knowing that because of the works that God has done, including sending his son to die and free mankind, and all of the other works that he does; I now have the power and rights to be free and to take dominion over all forces of evil.
Because of the grace of God, I now have the power to achieve anything and take authority in the world, I therefore thank God for all the grace that he pours out on my spirit, and I truly say "Lord I recieve all that you give me" and no longer make my heart hard to what God wants to give me.

Praise the God of heaven who has overcome all and resides in the hearts of anyone who simply believes.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit.


  1. Wow Jack that is amazing, you must really know how to type super fast. These words seem so very easy for you to express, and come out so free flowing .
    All of my love to you and what you are doing.

  2. This proclamation is so powerful and complete, thank you. While some spend endless time with self-forgiveness or analyzing and re-evaluating every aspect of their mind-habit-process, this prayer covers every aspect of wrongful habits, thought, action, deed and bloodline error which separates us from the Father. It is not as simple as asking the Holy Spirit into us, we have to confront the enemy at the source and proclaim the cutting off of any and all darkness.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Tie cutting and the infilling of unobstructed purpose should be the hallmark of all brothers and sisters following Yeshuah. It should make us see one another 'clearly'. It should enhance our ability to love others as ourselves. To understand the one in error. To help the one in doubt. To teach the one thirsty for knowledge and correction. This is the measure of one who has overcome. Not hiding behind a facade, we are unlimited and know of the Fathers truth, the Sons teachings and our purpose. Are you in alignment with this? If so, you know your brothers and sisters and unfailingly give of yourself in their behalf that the course may be run true with everlasting blessing. The joy given us by the Fathers needs to be shared.
