Tuesday, 5 April 2011

A Word of Hope

I wish to write to you who have chosen to live in God’s love, who have chosen the path that is life and brings life, and even those who have not, so that they may be inspired to know what great things God will bring.

At this time you can see that everywhere in the world, there is chaos and all kinds of darkness; there is confusion and there are indeed things that you do not yet understand. There are people everywhere who seem so lost, and the world seems as though it is full of darkness. Additionally, your life might be in place where you cannot see around the corner or to the next day or week; you may not know what will happen or how things will change.

I want to tell you about the nature of the God that you have chosen through your freewill to turn to. This God is the one who has the power and love to do anything, and the small amount of darkness and fear you see and feel in this world at this time, has already been overcome by Him. I want you to know that you need not be subject anymore to those things to which you have been so far subject. Where there was fear, there can now be hope, and where there was darkness, light. Where there was sadness there can be joy. Because the nature of the god who is your Father is now in your life, you can rest in your spirit in His all loving presence. You do not need ever to leave it now, but you can remain with God regardless of what appears around you.

Know that God loves you very dearly, and that He is with you in every situation, always working to heal and change your life into one that is better, one that is right for you to be who you are. I want you to know that regardless of the darkness that appears around you, because of the grace and wonder of the living God, you have been given a light that now exists in you. This is the same light that exists in heaven in power and joy beyond all measure.

You do not belong to the darkness, because you are truly a child of light.  You need not dwell where the darkness is, and you need not be subject to the tormenting ways of the world, because who you are is spirit, and the Spirit of God has given your spirit life. The light that you have been given is the place of rest for you in all that you do. Whether the greatest darkness appears around you and you see no hope anywhere, I tell you now that the eternal hope and joy of God exists in your heart. This should be remembered in all times, because it is this remembrance that frees your spirit from the power of darkness.

Feelings of sorrow and depression, fear and bewilderment, pain and hurt, no longer need to be your dwelling place. For the dwelling place of God, the holy of holies, which exists in your heart, is the gift that God wants you to see, and to know he has already given to you. Fear and pain, suffering and problems of all kinds, evil and abuse, none of these things can remain in you if you remain in the light of the living God. This is because the kingdom of heaven is within you, and will be shown to you when you know it in spirit.  Your choice to remain in the kingdom of God, which exists inside you, and your pure belief, which is a light shining above the world of men, are the very means and chariot that will lift your life up to heights never known before, to a grace and love that surpass the world and all its pain.

But since the kingdom of God is spread across this earth, and the kingdom of God is inside you: do not wait for another time to know God and live in his kingdom. For truly your belief will set you free. I tell you that you now live in the kingdom of God and have been accepted by Him, therefore enjoy the freedom of this grace and believe in the kindness of God. Do not believe in what men have taught you: that constant trouble and death are the lot for man. Instead believe in the truth, which is that you are loved beyond all measure and that you truly do have the wonders of heaven available to you now. So whatever men tell you, if it does not match up to this truth, feel free to reject it and not to listen to them. Because all kinds of people will tell you all kinds of things, all designed to make your faith weak and your life in God seem unreal. However, believe the truth and hold steadfastly to that belief, and you truly will be set free. Even now you are free, because you have been given the truth, the truth that the glory and wonder of God and heaven are now within you and all you must do is know that they cannot be trampled by any man, spirit or event.

You are truly loved.

All my love



  1. Jack, this is the most wonderful thing, I've ever heard in my life! Your words cause a pulsating feeling in my whole body. This is like falling in love - so intensive and exiting is this experience! I love you so much Jack, how can I ever thank you for that, what you have done before and what you are doing now?!?!?

  2. I love you Jack, I don't know what to say more than thank you, thank you, thank you ... and even that will not be enough. I have cried for hours today because of the liberating feeling of love and trust that is starting to fill my spirit and soul and body, I feel warm and I have to totally agree with nagamara: I have never heard anything more beautiful than what you have just shared here! Words can not describe what I feel.

  3. Ok Jack, I admit I was a little late reading your newest message on your blogspot.I was just about to go to bed, and thought I would see what you had said.After reading; all I could do was cry as well and ball my eyes out- Jack, why, why do you say such wonderful things; so heartfelt and poetic like a fine piece of art. The sentiments of your words are a beautiful form of perfection.It’s exactly what humanity needs to hear. The hope and reassurance that we will be ok no matter what destructive and evil forces are at work trying to change or accomplish what God has planned. Could you imagine if the President of the US or the Prime Minister would say those exact words to the whole world? Since they are all liars that will never happen, but if they did the effect it would have on the populous.It is truth that will turn mankind/humanity around to embrace God, and it is truth you must open your heart to. For it is the only path to God- for God is (Truth) to all answers,to every question to everything that exists.I have blown my nose so many times from crying after reading what you have written.I have tissue laying allover the floor. Jack you are heaven scent, and I Love you. Your wishes are granted to infinity and beyond for what you do and who you are to so many. You’re a great and brilliant writer of thought and expression of God that transcends the ultimate feeling of ****LOVE***I don’t know what else to say to you; but thank you for touching so many hearts. For when you are touched by your heart, you are touched by GOD.
    Much Love to you Stacey XX

  4. To read this and be filled with the total joy and light of its meaning marks an awakening. We all must have 'hope' and keep our eyes on that which endures.

    Yet some fall away or as they say, "I'm in doubt about being of service to Yeshuah 'in this lifetime'... "For I have not heard from him"; have taken the hope given here and cast it to one side; allowing the truth to fade within their own selfisness.

    The teaching here, "believe the truth and hold steadfastly to that belief, and you truly will be set free", offers a key of wisdom… Being steadfast requires awareness, courage, faith, loyalty, perseverance, love, grace and keeping our eyes on that which is true. This means not allowing yourself to stray into fields of self-concern, fear and sense of self-importance. It also means that your ‘dwelling place’ is with God and your sustenance comes from the table already set by the Son.
